Next Steps Class

Do you have a desire to grow in your faith but don’t know what to do next? Our Next Steps Class is a 4-session course meant to share with you the heart-beat of Epic Church. By learning about who we are, we hope to empower you to have clear and tangible next steps to act as a catalyst for your faith. The steps we will discuss in these classes will remind us of who we are and keep our target in aim as we go on month-by-month and year-by-year. Sign up for a Next Steps class today and discover what your Next Step might be!

Discover Your Next Steps

Next Steps meets on Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm in January, May, and September. Each week of the month will feature a different step to help you find your way as you follow Jesus.

Step 1 - Discover Life
Step 2 - Discover Community
Step 3 - Discover Yourself
Step 4 - Discover Purpose

Register for Next Steps

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